I found out a few more things about Marge... for instance, as a child she and her family moved from Cleveland, Ohio to a little bitty town near Rollo, Missouri. (I think that came up in the conversation when we were talking about outhouses.)
I know... you're probably thinking, "Why were they talking about outhouses?" Well, I think we were talking about "the good ol' days" when doctors still made housecalls. Marge told me about something she saw on t.v. about a doctor in a town near here who still makes housecalls. Then, I mentioned that I sometimes wish I had lived in "the olden days" -- but then I think about the outhouses. (LOL!)
Basically, I'm continuing to work on developing a relationship/friendship with Marge. We have several things in common:
- we both love the Bible
- we're both non-native Tennesseans
- she has a granddaughter with the same name as one of our children
- we both enjoy talking about our families
- a JW family in our neighborhood goes to the same kingdom hall that the Tiptons do
But, here's the thing that we don't have in common... Marge doesn't have -- the "thing" that's most important -- a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Marge gave me a book/booklet published by the Watch Tower Tract and Bible Society entitled, "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" I asked her if I took it and looked/read over it, if she'd be willing to take some literature from me. She said that she would, but she also kept mentioning something about being gone for a couple of weeks to Arizona. (She still has one son and his family who live there.) So, there's hope for a small open door into getting her some literature other than Watch Tower "stuff."
Plan is... she'll be coming again next Wednesay, December 5th. Thank you for your continued prayers!