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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

JW Visit #4

Marge came again this week, but not with another woman as I had thought. She came with her hubby this time. It was nice to meet both of them. He goes by "Tip." (His name is Keith or Kevin Tipton. I can't remember which one for sure.)

I found out a few more things about Marge... for instance, as a child she and her family moved from Cleveland, Ohio to a little bitty town near Rollo, Missouri. (I think that came up in the conversation when we were talking about outhouses.)

I know... you're probably thinking, "Why were they talking about outhouses?" Well, I think we were talking about "the good ol' days" when doctors still made housecalls. Marge told me about something she saw on t.v. about a doctor in a town near here who still makes housecalls. Then, I mentioned that I sometimes wish I had lived in "the olden days" -- but then I think about the outhouses. (LOL!)

Basically, I'm continuing to work on developing a relationship/friendship with Marge. We have several things in common:
  • we both love the Bible
  • we're both non-native Tennesseans
  • she has a granddaughter with the same name as one of our children
  • we both enjoy talking about our families
  • a JW family in our neighborhood goes to the same kingdom hall that the Tiptons do

But, here's the thing that we don't have in common... Marge doesn't have -- the "thing" that's most important -- a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Marge gave me a book/booklet published by the Watch Tower Tract and Bible Society entitled, "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" I asked her if I took it and looked/read over it, if she'd be willing to take some literature from me. She said that she would, but she also kept mentioning something about being gone for a couple of weeks to Arizona. (She still has one son and his family who live there.) So, there's hope for a small open door into getting her some literature other than Watch Tower "stuff."

Plan is... she'll be coming again next Wednesay, December 5th. Thank you for your continued prayers!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Encounter: Sunday, November 25, 2007

Click on the "thumbnail" pictures below to see a larger version of each one. Hopefully, you will be able to read what's on them.

They switched to a single front and back version.

front back

Friday, November 23, 2007

Snow in Poland

If you've not been to the Massengale Family blog, you really should go and see how things are going for them in Poland. There are pictures (and even a couple of short videos) of their first sledding experience.

For those who do not know, Shea and Rachel Massengale and their family arrived in Poland in October 2007. They are members of Hixson FBC. Rachel is Bro. Joel and Diane's oldest daughter.

JW visit #3

This week's visit with the JWs was a little more interesting... in that my father-in-law (fil) and husband (dh) were here with me. The same two JWs (Lou and Marge) from the previous week arrived around 11 a.m. on Wednesday, November 21.

I found out a little more background on Marge. She's lived in this area about a year. Before that, she lived 20-something years in/near Phoenix, Arizona. Quite a switch!!!

With my fil & dh (both of whom have seminary training) here to help "guide" conversation, we were able to hear Lou contradicting himself. However, we didn't try to make it into a "I told you so" thing.

The "plan" is for Marge to come again this next Wednesday, but this time she will come with another woman. So, we'll see how that goes.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Encounter: Sunday, November 18, 2007

Click on the "thumbnail" pictures below to see a larger version of each one. Hopefully, you will be able to read what's on them.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Please continue to pray...

Marge and another JW (not the one who came w/ her last week) came back today... a little after 11 a.m. Eastern. (I think Marge said the other one's name was Lou.) Basically, the one who came with her this week dominated the conversation which is (as I've learned from others and now from my own experience) one of JWs' tactics. However, they do plan to come back again next week around the same time.

I don't know that much was accomplished this week except that I was able to keep them here at my house (we sat on our small front porch) instead of trying to "win other converts." However, when I become more confident, I feel that the Holy Spirit will be able to dominate the conversation... through me.

I've learned many things about the JWs within the past week. I would like to be able to embed a video entitled "Witnesses of Jehovah," but it's nearly 60 minutes long. So, it's probably best if you go and watch it for yourself. Here's a link to a page that will take you to the video. Or, you can click here to go directly to the Google video page that will automatically play it. (Again, it is nearly 60 minutes long so it may take dial-up users a loooooong time for it to load.)

The gist of the video is a history of JWs and their beliefs. It includes interviews with two current JWs and with several former JWs. (I think it was produced in the mid-1980s; so if nothing else, it provides a fun look at the styles from that time.)

I want to publicly thank all of those who've left comments and links and all who've prayed for me. I appreciate your continued prayers and insights.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Encounter: Sunday, November 11, 2007

Click on the "thumbnail" pictures below to see a larger version of each one. Hopefully, you will be able to read what's on them.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Please pray!!!

I need your help and your prayers!!!! Please!!!!

Two Jehovah's Witnesses just came to my house. We had a rather lengthy discussion... me standing barefoot in the doorway with my nice warm living room behind me and them standing on my concrete porch. (Our front door faces North, so it's always in the shade. It's not too terribly cold here when compared to places like Canada, Russia, or even when compared to Kentucky. But, when you're in the shade and barefoot and wearing shorts, 49 degrees Fahrenheit is a bit chilly.) Why did I not invite them in? As I told them, "I'm a homeschooling mom, and my house is rather a mess at the moment." Back to our discussion... normally, I'd have just said, "Thanks, but I am a Christian" and left it at that. I guess the Holy Spirit had other plans for me today. I asked to see their Bible. Then, I asked them if I could show them the same verse in my Bible. The verse to which I'm referring? John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Their "Bible" says, "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a god." So, we went on to discuss many things... including me audibly asking the Lord for help to find the Scriptures He wanted me to share. Then, the sirens started going off. We live within a 10 mile radius of a nuclear power plant; and at noon on the first Wednesday of the month, they test their sirens. That reminded Marge, the woman (there was also a man, but I didn't find out his name) standing at my door, of their meeting that they have at the "hall." So, she asked if she could come back next week. I mentally ran through all the things that I might have on my calendar next Wednesday morning. Since no conflict came to mind, I invited her to come back next Wednesday at 11 a.m. (Eastern) I told her that I'd try to have my house a little more straightened up so that she could come inside.

So, my first question to you is, will you please pray for me and for Marge? Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare me and speak through me to her. Pray that she will be open to hearing the Holy Spirit's TRUE voice and that she will respond to His (God's, Jesus', and the Holy Spirit's) tugging at her heart.

And, my next question is, if you've ever had the opportunity to witness to a Jehovah's Witness, will you please share with me any and all insights that you have?

I plan to peruse A Biblical Response to Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm already praying and will continue to pray. I will study His Word and the Truth.

Thank you for your help!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Encounter: Sunday, November 4, 2007

Click on the "thumbnail" pictures below to see a larger version of each one. Hopefully, you will be able to read what's on them.

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