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Deacon Election
Hixson First Baptist Church follows the New Testament pattern for "deacon servants." The responsibility of deacons is to assist the pastors in the daily ministry to the congregation. The deacon committee is made up of 15 to 20 men nominated and approved by the congregation to serve in this ministry.
Acts, Chapter 6 and 1 Timothy, Chapter 3 set forth the qualifications for a New Testament deacon. These qualifications are as follows:
A man of good reputation, honest, with integrity, trustworthy, full of faith, wisdom and the Holy Spirit. One who demonstrates an abiding love for Jesus and a desire to serve others.
A man of dignity, respectful in speech, not addicted to alcohol, drugs, nor greedy. A man who can serve with a clear conscience. If married, a faithful husband with a wife who shares his spiritual values, a faithful father if he has children.The deacon at Hixson First Baptist Church must be committed to the church and financially support all the ministries of the church. He must follow the leadership of the pastors and staff and under-gird them in prayer. He must love, respect and uphold the Word of God to others, be a man of prayer with a heart to reach the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nomination forms will be available on October 14th and 21st. These forms will need to be turned in by the evening of October 21st. Please place your nomination form in the deacon ballot box locate tin the Welcome Center or turn it into the church office of place in the offering plate.
The new deacons selected will be presented in late November or early December.
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What is a Sacrificial Commitment?
Responses to my sermon last Sunday were generally very encouraging for which I am appreciative. Several people followed up my frail attempt by asking me to further define a process for discovering what Goad wanted them to give to the campaign.
Essentially, I believe they genuinely wanted to know if there was a prayerful way to know that what they decided to give was, indeed, sacrificial. I've given that some more thought and I share the following in hopes that perhaps a few people would gain more wisdom.
SACRIFICIAL COMMITMENT: A definition. In my opinion, a sacrificial gift would follow the admonition described in 2 Samuel 24:24. the king had the unusual discernment to say,: "I will not sacrifice to my Lord God offerings that cost me nothing."
On the surface, it seems obvious that any offering will cost you something. However, looking more closely, I believe God was teaching us that our sacrificial offerings should always position us in a place of total dependency on Him. In other words---giving an offering that costs me a measure of faith in God to sustain it. It requires our confidence that God will not only provide the means by which we give it, but protect us financially because it is sacrificial.
Example: I am blessed to earn an adequate paycheck. For me to give $20 each month is NOT sacrificial! I got that covered by simply skipping Starbucks occasionally. Notice I said "I" got that taken care of.
Now... let's move toward the sacrificial line of thinking. If I consider giving $100 each month over and above my tithe, it may stretch me... but again, I could find a way --- I, me, myself --- get it?
So, what if God impressed me to consider $500 each month above my budget giving? Over 3 years, God says we can make this a reality. God now becomes my financial partner and HE has a stake in making it come to pass. That is sacrificial because I have to rely upon God to achieve it. It "costs" me a great step of faith. I must go beyond my "comfort zone" of current faith.
Please notice, I didn't go to $2000 per month. Sure God can, and perhaps miraculously, will. But if He wanted me to commit a bizarre amount, why not just make it $10,000... or 20?
Just like us, God works int he real world as well. He wants every person to stretch outside of their current faith in order to make certain HE gets the glory for achieving the amount and showing us what can happen when we rely upon Him and not ourselves.
One other dynamic should be noted:
That $500 per month might be sacrificial for me but a drop in the bucket for someone whom God has empowered to give $100,000. Everyone must decide what is sacrificial for them alone.
Next week, I'll try to share the process of prayer and financial evaluation God is using to stretch the faith of my family. I'll offer it with the simple prayer that something might trigger your discernment for how God wants you to arrive at a sacrificial commitment.
I won't tell anyone how much they should give. I WILL tell everyone that this emphasis challenges each of us to examine the depth and reality of our faith. God already knows. He just wants us to see it close up and do something about it if it's not where it should be.
Selah, Bro. Troy
Note: Bro. Troy is our "Executive Pastor" (aka Administrative Pastor)
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In Concert Tonight
6:30 p.m.
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Ministering to our "Little Children" during Worship (Matthew 19:4)
A rewarding service opportunity for anyone 18 - 118.
Return this "Contact Me" form to the church office immediately.
Serve the children once every five weeks!
Yes, please contact me!
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Food For Friends ---
Nourishing the members of Hixson First Baptist in their times of need (A Ministry of WOW)
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:39-41
This ministry provides the women of HFBC and the women of our community the opportunity to serve others by preparing and delivering meals. Our goals are to use meals as a means to ease the burden of those in need and to use the delivery process as an opportunity to minister to others. When a need is identified to WOW, a team will be organized to address the need and to minister to those individuals and their family. To report a need or to get involved, contact Betty Alley, Debby Kemp or e-mail
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Saturday, October 20th
(rain date October 27th)
At the Fryar's House
More Details to Come Soon
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There's more info on page 4, but I'm tired and need to get to bed.
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